How to Create a Perfectly Customized TPE Sex Doll?

Customized TPE Sex Doll

The journey of bringing home the TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) or silicone sex doll of your dreams relies on making numerous right choices. If you do not invest the required time and effort in creating the perfect doll for yourself, you might miss the feeling of your heart fluttering every time you look at it. Soon before you know it, you will be tired of your sex doll, and all the hard-earned money that you had spent on it will seem to be a wasteful expense.

Both silicone and TPE sex dolls are made up of high-quality materials that resemble the look and feel of human skin as both these materials perform well. The material of a sex doll plays a great role in how realistic the doll turns out to be, and hence, the experts at Only Dolls maintain that you must invest in a TPE model as it is more lifelike, sturdy, elastic and flexible. Japanese or European, curvy or petite, naive or confident – whatever your taste is, the process of carving the best sex partner as per your preferences is a little comprehensive, but fairly rewarding.

Fortunately, we are not living in the era of orthodox blow-up dolls. The contemporary TPE sex dolls come packed with a plethora of customization options to make your sexual experience more realistic, fun and satisfying. We at Only Dolls believe that every customer scrolling through our website with the hope to transform his or her sex life, deserves to take home only the best. And for that reason, we offer all of the below-mentioned customizations in our kitty:
Common Customizations between Male and Female TPE Sex Dolls
Although male sex dolls are not as popular as female ones since it is a male-dominated market, their sale is rapidly rising. After all, why should men have all the fun? At Only Dolls, we have a wide variety of all dolls – male, female and shemale, so that nobody has to settle for anything less than perfect. Here are a few customization options that we offer for all genders:

Color of Skin, Eyes and Nipples

Even the smallest attributes like the color of the skin, eyes and nipples of your TPE or silicone sex doll can go a long way in keeping you engaged with it. We offer four spectacular shades in all these three categories to ensure that you get something that perfectly matches your taste.

Pubic Hair Type

Again, you might toss this selection thinking of it as something that you can just let slide, but sexperts believe that the type of pubic hair your partner has can greatly affect your mood. Clean shaven or one from our seven bestselling pubic hair types – you can choose your favorite.

Feet Type

We have two feet types for our gorgeous silicone and TPE sex dolls – smooth and standing studs. Think carefully about the positions that you would want to try out with your doll, and choose accordingly.

Hanging Accessory

Customers struggling with storage can add a hanging hook to your cart, absolutely free of cost.

Advanced Full Body Heating System

Make your sexual experience with your doll more realistic by adding our advanced full body heating system to it at just $97.

Distinct Customizations for Female TPE Sex Dolls

Color of Nails and Labia

Feminine or simple, pink or tan – choose as per your preference for a long-lasting effect.

Vagina Type

We have permanent and removable vagina types to offer you ease of use.

Breast Type

If you are a boob fan and want it to be special and lifelike, upgrade your doll’s breasts from standard TPE to gel-filled breasts at no additional cost.

Touch and Moan System

Another $97 addition to make your sexual episodes more lifelike and passionate.

Dick Sucking Vagina

You can pay $399 extra for a lifelike vagina to service your manhood.

Distinct Customizations for Male TPE Sex Dolls

Penis Size

As shown in the picture or up to 8 inches to satisfy your lust – choose whatever you want to.

Wrapping Up

When we talk about customizing your sex doll to your taste, the first thing that you should tick right on your list would be the material and frame. Reputed manufacturers like Only Dolls ensure that all dolls in their assortment feature a high-quality construction, so that you get to spend long years companionship and passion with your priceless possession.

With Only Dolls by your side, all you need to do is choose your most preferred customization options and once the TPE sex doll of your dreams reaches your doorstep, just care for it and shower it with oodles of love (whenever the naughty streak strikes). However, it is only wise to stick to your initial budget since some customization options cost extra. But considering the value that these little top-ups can add to your doll, you would certainly thank us later. So, what are you waiting for? Start customizing your ‘one-and only sex doll’ today!

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